I am very pleased to announce a relaunch of this website. The original site was launched in 2010, using the Omeka platform from George Mason University. For a few years now, I’ve wanted to migrate to a newer format, with a blog. This blog will allow me to post updates and news story about my research. It will also hopefully be a good way to connect veterans of the unit and their families. In 5 years of being online, I’ve made so many connections to other Company G men and their families, but the old website format made it difficult to talk about it. I hope to do more of that in the future.
The newer, streamlined format should also make it easier to navigate the site, and will allow me to make easier and more frequents updates and corrections. Stay tuned for more to come shortly!

Dave, thanks for launching this website. Lot’s of great photos and information about the 182nd and Company G. I’ve been trying to get more information about my father, Ford M. Patterson, S/Sgt., 182nd Infantry Regiment. He did basic training in Alabama in late 1943, arrived in Bougainville sometime in late March to early April 1944, then served on Leyte and was wounded in the action on Cebu on April 26, 1945. He passed away in 2002 and, since he was very reluctant to talk to us (his children) about what he did during the war, we did not get much information from him while he was alive. I’d like to find out what company he was assigned to and make some effort to find out if any of the men in his company are still alive that may have known him. There is a chance a few of them may still be alive since he was a little older than many of the other men, about 28 years old, when he served in the AP theater. Any suggestions?
Hi David, thanks for the message! Let’s dig into this a bit more, and see what we can turn up. I’ll see if I have anything on him this weekend.