This site is maintained by Dave Colamaria, grandson of Company G’s Edward Monahan. It is not formally affiliated with the 182nd Infantry, the Massachusetts National Guard, or the United States Army. Dave had always been close to his grandfather, who died in 1991. In 2003, Dave was inspired to begin investigating his grandfather’s World War II experiences, and was astounded to find that he was a veteran of so many harrowing battles. The research soon grew in scope to an informal history of the company, which morphed into a book project and this website. The book is still a work in progress (I promise I will finish it eventually!)
Dave’s research rekindled his love of history, and led him to quit his job in the corporate world to follow his dream to study history for a living. After graduating with a Masters in History, he found employment at the Naval Historical Foundation. He now works as a Photo Archivist for the United States Naval History and Heritage Command at the Washington Navy Yard. He also serves as Historical Adviser to the Americal Legacy Foundation, a new organization devoted to preserving the history of the men who fought for the Americal Division in World War II and Vietnam.
Comments, suggestions, and connections are welcomed at